Monday, June 13, 2005

Lunchtime Lament

I don't know about you, but come lunchtime, I absolutely detest having to eat on my own. Absolutely. Detest. As in Hate. As in Won't Do It. And Will Stay Hungry, even!

I have to have someone to go to lunch with...and not random strangers who share my table, mind you. This has to be a friend, or collegue, or customer, or partner, or even my dog! And a book will just not cut the mustard, here.

This written-in-rock stance, funnily enough, does not apply to breakfast, elevenses, teatime grub, dinner, and midnight snacks. Those I breeze through on my own. Prefer to be alone, even, sometimes. Catch up on all that reading or make those phone calls that need to get out of the way.

But lunch is another matter. Why? Search me! That's just the way it is :o(


Anonymous said...

Some of the best lunches I've had involve me alone at my desk, watching episodes of Family Guy or The Simpsons streaming onto my laptop.

Either that, or reading/listening to music. When else will you get an hour to yourself in the middle of the day?

Vidya said...

yes, Golly... u are absolutely right. Being alone at lunch time is the pits. There's something so negative about being alone for a meal in the daytime especially when you are surrounded by people! I tend to skip lunch of I am alone. Its really depressing to eat LUNCH alone. So come on over. Will make a nice lunch for you. And since Axe doesnt mind eating alone, he isn't invited... so there!

kjbkcu ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmijyyyyyyyyyyyyyh assyguuuuuuuuuuj nmvgxb gv m

PS: Aditi's first ever comment on a blog!!!

Taz Snow said...

Axe..see! Its a woman thing, so don't even bother :oD

Aditi...totally proud kiddo!