Monday, June 20, 2005

Carpe Jugulum

I finally read a Vampire - sorry, Vampyre! - book that did not turn my blood to ice and did not leave me rigid with fear. Thus far any mild wave in the direction of elongated canines, and related gore, Buffy inclusive, has typically left me sleepless (atleast till I drop off out of sheer exhausion...fear just has to wait till I wake up!), shaky and apt not to look too closely at mirrors. Never know whose reflection I will not see in there!

But Terry Pratchett gives Vampyres a whole new spin...I don't know how he managed it, what with all the usual aspects of vampyre lore and then some. But I not only managed to get through the book with both my jugular and sanity intact, I also got through two nights of sleeping next to the window (one, in an empty house, all on my ownsome!), and actually woke up fighting fit! And no, that was not because I turned into a bloodsucker over night! For someone who can't even have Bram Stoker kept in visible range, this is a spine-strengthener of huge proportions! Don't get me wrong...this is not to say the book isn't good; it is so good I intend to go back and read it again.

All I can say is...Carpe Pratchett! And when next I meet a Vampyre, I may just offer it a nice cup of tea!


Denish said...

Vampire lore without gore?do tell... For those in this world who have lost the ability and time to read books!

Denish said...

Adults only Question
Was there much necking involved?

Vidya said...

of course there was. thats where the jugular is, isn't it? Now that I think of it, why don't vampires ever bite elsewhere?
Dents..... where else could a vampire bite to sink his teeth into a major blood vessel

Denish said...

The answer to your previous question will be found in your handwritten note! ;-)

Pictorial cues will be included but to the human eye they will seem like the creation of a drunken anatomy student.
Also, both of you, please to be excusing excessive use of italics... as a newly inducted html- learnee, and given that this comment only allows three tags(?), i prefer practising the italic to the links one or the bold one!

Anonymous said...

I hated the whole Witches series of books. I couldn't even bring myself to like them!

Give me a City Watch book anyday!

Filing which, a Unreal University one! Ook!

Taz Snow said...

Hear hear! Long live the Watch!

I actually ended up reading this one by mistake...forgot that Lancre automatically means witches. This is what comes of trying to go with the bibliography...Sheesh!