Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tag Heu? 'Er!

It looks like I have been tagged by Dents (No, not SRK, despite the title of this post! But Hope lives on!)...and poked as well, just in case I forgot that I was tagged! So here goes:

1) Say who tagged you - The One, The Only..The Doctor Denty!

2) Say eight things about yourself - you think you ready to know eight things about me? Oh very well, if you insist....
I travel a lot.
I try to write about my traveling, but don't always get around to it.
As a result of all this traveling, I tend to buy a lot of books at the airport.
So, now, I have a lot of books.
I take said books and then read late into the night (which is often why I don't do the write I mentioned before!).
Thanks to the reading, I invariably wake up late in the morning.
This is also because I MUST get my daily 8 hours. Or 10. Or 12.
And these 8 / 10 / 12 are in addition to whatever sleep I get when I am on board the 'plane / us / train.

3) Tag 6 people -
The Tag-Master hisself (add this to your self-tag, Dents...go Nuts!), Sujatha, Amreena, Mr.Vee, DiTtY & Axe (you shudn't have dissed the Dents!)


Vidya said...

errrr... sweets... you need to actually *tag* someone... by leaving a comment on their blogs.. preferably in response to the latest posting..

Taz Snow said...

Is being done, Mrs.Smartypants :o)

Denish said...

Whats with the reverse taggging?? Did you not read the manual? Its a special weapon; with overuse, it becomes a commonplace commodity to be traded on NASDAQ!