Thursday, September 01, 2005


Take the average underdog with dreams concept. Intersperse it with a drive to rise above physical disability. Add a dash of secularism to it. And the lay it against the background of the country's favorite pastime and passion, Cricket. What you will have is a delectable morsel titled 'Iqbal', directed by Nagesh Kukunoor.

Le Kukunoor has always made the kind of movies that make up in the thought area, what they lack in glitter and polish. But 'Iqbal' has gone beyond his usual styling and hits straight at the heart, making a pitstop at the brain on the way.

I find myself liking the movie not just because I am the kind of eternal optimist who loves a good story with a triumphant ending, but because there was so much to learn from it. Oh sure, you could argue that he made it too simple to be true. But I see it as simple enough to be digested by anyone.

It's the concepts at the heart of the movie that really matter - how to find dignity in your dreams, despite a physical disability, how to accord such dignity to such challenged people and how to never bow down to stereotyping. The wave in the direction of the dhandha of the game, and the ills of drinking, do not detract from the main story and only help reinforce it.

After 'Iqbal' all I can say is that Nagesh Kukunoor is turning into a fine wine - Blackberry matured in the Sun!


Denish said...

blackberry? isnt that a PDA phone? What does it mature into? a Treo 600? HaHa....

Lovely to have you back in Blogland

Taz Snow said...

Since when did you become a techy??! :oD

Blackberry is not just a thinggy with lotsa buttons and big screen ; blackberry is a shade of lipstick and is also wine (ref. Joanne Harris)!

yenivays, is lovely to be back...and I wan' pics from your trip back!

Vidya said...

why would you want to stick your lipstick in the sun?? blackberry?? max factor?? or Avon??

which reminds me.. what was that absolutely awesome shade we used to buy in bulk in the good old days? ie the shade if found was bought en masse for junta? the brownish nudish thingie??

Taz Snow said...

Blackberry WINE in the Sun, you silly goose!! Who ever heard of sticking lipsticks in the Sun??!

As for the awesome brownish nudish thingie...gimme the brand...I had such colors in most of them. First one coming to mind is Natural Brown by Lakme

Taz Snow said...

BTW, the Blackberry we used to freak on was and still is Avon.

Vidya said...

one of the Elle 18 shades i think... i didnt even find it on the shade card this time around. it was 'something kiss' i think.

i dont know about sticking lipsticks in the sun, but one of mine found its way to the potty, courtesy aditi. So i helped it find its way to the dustbin. (Body shop- Mahogany awesome shade that!)

Taz Snow said...

I FINALLY got it...Kiss of Caramel :o)

Vidya said...

yessssssssssss/... that be the very one i was looking for!!!!!!!!