Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Soul-1, Wimp-0

It's that time of year again, when Flora and Fauna are popping up to greet the Sun, when the Summer Ozone is fairly crackling with the pent-up energy of the Winter past, and when Souls are stirring all across the firmament. And when my own Soul decides that it's time to come out of hibernation and greet the First Buds of Spring (my Soul operates on Time from another Dimension - Quantum Time, if you will!). It's time to try something new and stir both mind and body. It's time to give in to the Quest.

What Quest? you ask. Well, the Quest for something I haven't had the time, energy, spine or sense to try before. Or perhaps, lack of sense. In the past it's been bunjee jumping in Bangalore, white-water rafting at Dandeli, trekking in the hills around Edukumeri, Spanish Language Classes and Chinese Cuisine. Whether or not I actually go through with the Quest, though, is a matter for another day and discussion!

This year, however, the Soul has been more decisive than I would normally like. And, for me, debating the Quest, with something so deep inside me that I cannot even grab its nose and give it a good tweak, is no mean feat. And as my Soul is as stubborn and pig-headed as I am, suffice it to say I beat me at my own game. And the end result, of these last few confusing comments, is that I am now trying to sign up for Tai Chi classes half-way across town.

Wimp. I can hear you thinking it! Of all the things I could have quested for (is that word right?) Tai Chi has to be on a plane that even my Soul's dimension does not normally drop down to. Why could I not have just signed up for High-impact Aerobics, or Hammer tossing, or something that actually sounds like people below the age of 50 will go for. Don't ask. I gave up asking myself this right back there when my Soul was wiping the ground with my face.

And now that I have had time to get used to the idea, that I am actually going to go after this, Tai Chi doesn't look all that bad. Ofcourse, I have only made the acquaintance of the Tai Chi Theory thus far, but I am sure I am going to like it.

Yeah Right. No, seriously! Next to the Vanilla Single Scoop of Aerobic Dancing, Tai Chi has to be the Double Glazed Chocolate Sundae of physical activity. Or Marial Arts. Or Old Folks Fitness.

Ah, I give up. So, I'm a wimp. Atleast I will be a wimp without impact injuries to my knees and brain! There's a thought!

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