Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Hot, Humid, Hell on Earth

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather" said John Ruskin.

What an ass.

Average tempratures in these parts have been flirting with the forties, and this city is one of the few where the humitidy does not hit you in the face like a solid wall of misery.

I have just spent the last week traveling around the country, and the weather story just gets worse. Hot. Humid. Hell on Earth.

And when the Sun tires of baking and broiling you, Master Hail hails you from afar, tossing pellets of ice that come at you out of gale-force winds. The rain doesn't even have time to hit the ground before its swept away.

In the spirit of total understatement, all I can do is echo Jane Austen: "What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance."


Anonymous said...

Hang on ... "inelegance" implies "elegance" ... I refuse to believe that!

But seriously, I've been readin go the dustorms & thunderstorms, and other signs of the Apocalypse on Deccan Herald. Are things really as bad as the papers make it out to be?

Taz Snow said...

Hmmm...I knew I should have killed you when I had a chance. Anyways... Life is long and no doubt you will come back into range sometime.

Apocalypse? You may want to check next door for him...we have just been having Armageddon over for chai and pakoda. Seriously though, yes, its been terrible, and right across the South.