Thursday, August 23, 2007

"..not called Power Moo-Cow"

It's been a while, and I can once again feel the urge to crack 'em knuckles and pound out a post...just wish I had more time in which to do that!

Work has been...interesting, and certainly keeping me on my toes. Travel has been picking up, for certain. Off late it has been more small-town India and not so much of the Metros. Which is fine, except morning-evening dashes into and out of a place are best not considered. Most places are connected only by the budget airlines or by road (so my tail is protesting a whole lot more these days!) and the whole trip just takes that much longer. Still, am getting to see a whole bunch of places I may not have visited otherwise...

The rains are back and this burg is starting to strangle itself all over again. One evening burst of rain and a 20 minute run demonically transforms into a 90 minute one. Probably the worst part of the those 90 minutes is having to keep switching radio stations because you can find no good music...where have all the good songs gone?! Oh, and my knee will soon need surgery from all the stress of constant pedal-stomping...clutch-brake-clutch-brake-clutch-BREAK!

The upside is that 'rents are coming back after a loooooooooooong trip's been 4 months since I saw Mom! So, tomorrow night shall be a stake-out at the airport waiting for them to arrive.

Oh, frig...I had almost managed to forgot the smegging rain. You know...I love a good downpour with the whole drama of lightning flashes and thunder drumrolls...that is good macho weather flexing it's muscles for you. What I hate is whiner weather....drip drip drip and constant drizzle. Oh, go find your spine why don't you! Sheesh!

Upside hoping Pops will be packing pain-au-chocolate...Oh yum! If anything can banish the rainy-day blues, it's the prospect of biting into a warm roll with a gooey chocolate center.....**sigh** :o)

1 comment:

Preethy said...

Piqued my interest. Just what do you work with/in/for..? Sounds interesting.

Great writing!

And good luck with the gooey centre and guilt.