Saturday, November 05, 2005

Abortive Scary Story...

I started this scary story with the severely misguided belief that I would have what it takes to finish it. But, nu-uh! Had I tried any more to finish it, I would probably be a dithering idiot by now (laugh if you will...I spook easily ; VERY easily!).

So I throw this open to you to try and finish, for me. Go ahead...scare me...I dare you ( need to take me too seriously here, my bark has more spine than my bite! heh heh heh).

"It was just imagination. It had to be just her imagination. There was no one there, it was after regular hours; that wing of the hospital was empty, and the rest of the staff would have all left hours ago.

Yet, she couldn't shake that eerie feeling as she strode through the long, empty hallway, dimly lit by spluttering, badly-spaced lights.

As the dark maw of a stairwell loomed ahead of her, her strides faltered, the skin on the back of her neck prickling. There was nothing to fear, she knew the halls and every nook and cranny.

Yet, her heart thumped, sounding loud and insistent inside her head.

The stairs led up to offices that were locked for the day, for the weekend. she had no cause to go up there, there were no wards that way.

Yet, a sense of dread urged her forward, step by halting step. The darkness enveloped her, closing in on all sides, crawling up onto her. She felt cold, icy cold, hair standing on end."

And that's about as far as I got...I dared go no farther! Over to you...


Vidya said...

The cat meowed and she croaked??

Denish said...

"Suddenly, a pair of hands flashed in front of her face... only hands, bloody hands. She fainted..."
Happy Halloween!

Taz Snow said...

[Vee] : What is with you and the cats, I say?!

[Dents] : Totally Halloweening, I see....:o) R U Trick-o-treating, btw ? :oD