Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Base Camp Shifted

The Great Game finally played out, and we ended up renting the place on the first floor of the house next door. Rather, on the terrace of the house next door.

Its small, compact, and has just about enough space to fit both us and our innumerous belongings. I don't even want to think about how we managed to shift everything over! Suffice it to say that I am still amazed at the way you can hoist stuff over a wall and up over the roof.

The past few days have been spent in a haze of moving, tripping over boxes and bags, cramming things into new closet space and sneezing incessantly from all the dust around; my throat no longer loves me, and attempts to jump out of my mouth every so often. Successfully. Sometimes.

Benadryl no longer works, freshly squeezed Ginger juice is now just a placebo, and hot water is the drink of the day. But heck, amidst all the koffing and wheezing, it does hit home that we are perched real pretty up here, with the stars above, fresh breeze blowing past, and the expanse around us. And if you listen real close you can hear a cricket, somewhere. Or maybe that was just the kid downstairs squealing when Dravid hit a sixer.

Anyways, welcome to Base Camp Rooftop.


Axe said...

Who's "we"? ;)

Vandana Sarah said...

hey mallika
you write very well. Maria shared this with me and i enjoyed reading it .. shared it with all my friends.. :) Didn't know you blog until today. Wanted to ask Maria if I could post this on my blog with your permission ..,,, but well you have ur own li'l piece of cyberspace.. :)
good going .. keep up the good work!!!