Thursday, February 24, 2005 my head

Am going on record here - am being Axed into being a regular blogger. Its this or peeking over the top my Messenger window each morning to see what jumps out, axe in hand!

So here goes...this one's for you, Axe !

What can I say - axe, or rather gun, to my head has pretty much been the state of things, the past few weeks. From deadlines that zoom between the horizon and the spot between my eyes, to report-happy managers, to Murphy and his scheming laws, I have been grappling with them all.

Top this sundae with the taxman's axe, banks that insist on losing drafts, and cellular phone services that employ blondes and leprechauns, you have the perfect calorie-rich dessert ; it'll kill ya, but ya gotta love it!

What's that? You want more? A nightcap after dessert? Well then, here it comes... a brandied flambé of expiring passports, last minute overseas travel diktats, evil passport officers and the prospect of sitting in a muggy airport, waiting for the visa to arrive - have ticket, will travel!

And now that I have got that out, am running low on steam. And words. And there's my brain taking a hike down the hall. So at the risk of being called an abrubt-ender, in addition to everything else, am going to do just that. The End.

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